The first step is to cool the burn as much as possible. This can be done with cool water or a wet compress. Avoid ice, which may cause further damage to tissues. Remove loose clothing and items immediately. If blisters form, apply an antibiotic ointment to the affected area. Stop using the cream if a rash appears. Lotions can also be applied to the affected area.
Treatment options
Treatment options for thermal burns vary depending on the level of injury. The first degree involves a small area of burn that does not affect nerve endings. These wounds heal on their own in 3 to 5 days. Second-degree burns damage nerve endings but create thicker burns. Both first and second-degree burns are potentially painful and require treatment to prevent infection. Burn victims may also experience changes in skin pigmentation. A full-thickness burn will require surgical intervention. The treatment options for patients with partial-thickness burns include using ice to reduce pain and swelling. It can be used at room temperature or mixed with ice to bring the temperature down. However, this is not advisable for small children because the ice can cause hypothermia. In addition, saline-soaked gauze is an effective treatment method to cool the burn.
HBO therapy has been suggested to improve outcomes in thermal burns since 1965. In coal miners, HBO therapy was shown to heal second-degree burns more quickly. This is because the skin adjacent to second-degree burns is more hypoxic than the surrounding healthy skin. When oxygen is administered under pressure, hypoxic tissue can return to normal oxygen levels. In addition to improving healing, HBO therapy has been shown to reduce edema through vasoconstriction, maintain microcirculation, and reduce the adhesion of white cells to the burn site.
During the first few days after a burn, treatment is crucial for recovery. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can reduce the time required for healing and improve skin graft success. However, more research is needed before this treatment can be widely adopted into routine practice. In addition, hyperbaric oxygen requires highly specialized skills and complex equipment to administer. Furthermore, using hyperbaric oxygen is risky for critically ill burn patients. After a burn, the first step is to cool the burned area. A cool compress or cool water is helpful to reduce the pain and prevent infection. Avoid using ice or butter on the burn, as these substances can cause more damage. Honey is also beneficial for breaking blisters and should be applied to broken skin. For severe burns, people should seek medical attention at a hospital.
Signs and symptoms
Symptoms of thermal burns include inflammation of the affected area, swelling, and pain. They can also lead to systemic reactions. A thermal burn can be divided into three zones. The innermost zone represents irreversible tissue damage, while the outer area is the site of reversible vasodilation and regeneration. Proper treatment can prevent permanent scarring, disability, and deformity. Burns to the face, hands, feet, and genital areas are dangerous and should be treated immediately. Burns in these areas increase the risk of complications and death in children and older adults. In severe cases, these burns require urgent medical attention.
Remove any clothing if you suspect a burn, and run cool water over the affected area. Clean with mild soap. While waiting for emergency medical attention, keep the burned area elevated above the heart to reduce pain and pressure. Depending on the type and severity of thermal burns, treatment may differ. The wound must be cleaned and bandaged, and it is essential to provide adequate pain relief. In some cases, an invasive wound infection may require surgery. In such cases, treatment in a burns unit is necessary, but in less severe cases, treatment can be performed at home with over-the-counter pain medication. Signs and symptoms of thermal burns vary, but they generally follow the severity of the burn. In addition to the signs and symptoms, a doctor will assess the risk of infection, dehydration, and disfigurement. If a patient suffers from a severe thermal burn, it is essential to see a medical professional immediately.
First aid should include washing off the burn area with cool water. Cool water can help reduce the pain and prevent more severe damage. Cooling the burned area with wet gauze is also beneficial. However, cool water should not be applied to a burn area for more than 5 minutes since prolonged contact can cause maceration. Treating the burn will depend on the size of the burn and how long the skin was exposed to it. In mild cases, a sterile gauze bandage can be used. For more severe burns, apply a cold compress to the area. Avoid using hot liquid or butter, which can cause more damage to the skin. Applying ointments to the burn is not recommended and should only be done by a medical professional.